Ginga Hyouryuu Vifam 13

Ginga Hyouryuu Vifam 13

On July 27 1996, Mr. Takeyuki Kanda died suddenly at the age of 52. Born August 11 1943, he was known as the director of several animations including VIFAM. Thus in 1998 a new TV series of VIFAM was broadcasted in memory of him. Televised 1998/3/21-1998/10/3 (in Kansai area), it contains 26 episodes, and like Twelve people disappeared it is a sidestory, but some new features are added: new persons, new RV, etc.
The story could be inserted between #22 and #26 (#24 and #25 are digests) of VIFAM, and is divided into three parts: Act I (#1-14), Interlude (#15-18), Act II (#19-26), if we name them (in reality Act I and II have little relationship). It could also be the New Testament, but it is now regarded as an apocrypha (or worse, a pseudo-VIFAM). There are several reasons to say so, but to watch the story is the best way to understand them.

Duration24 Minutes
Start dateSaturday, March 21, 1998
End dateSaturday, October 3, 1998
RomajiGinga Hyouryuu Vifam 13


Barts Lyan
Hiroshi Takemura
Scott Heyward
Katsumi Toriumi
Clare Barbland
Miina Tominaga
Katue Pearson
Hiroko Kasahara
Maki Rowel
Chiharu Tezuka
Kentsu Norton
Masako Nozawa