Kanata Hoshijima
Height: 181 cm (5'11")
Hometown: Mousanish District
Kanata is naturally athletic and a steadfast person that wants to become a space explorer. He is also a very selfless person who would willingly help anyone in distress and would take any risks necessary to save them. He acts like a leader and wishes to be acknowledged as one by his comrades.
~!Later in the story it's revealed that the reason why he wants to become a space explorer was the influence of one of his middle school teacher's that passed away in a fatal accident that happened during a school trip. That accident was also the reason why Kanata started training to the point of becoming a decathlete. He competed in the decathlon event in the latest Under-20 World Championships and took home the overall bronze medal.!~
~!At the end of the series, he marries Aries Springs.!~
Hometown: Mousanish District
Kanata is naturally athletic and a steadfast person that wants to become a space explorer. He is also a very selfless person who would willingly help anyone in distress and would take any risks necessary to save them. He acts like a leader and wishes to be acknowledged as one by his comrades.
~!Later in the story it's revealed that the reason why he wants to become a space explorer was the influence of one of his middle school teacher's that passed away in a fatal accident that happened during a school trip. That accident was also the reason why Kanata started training to the point of becoming a decathlete. He competed in the decathlon event in the latest Under-20 World Championships and took home the overall bronze medal.!~
~!At the end of the series, he marries Aries Springs.!~