Height: 150 cm (4'11")
Izutsumi is a former member of Shuro's party and currently a part of Laios' party. She is a tall-man (beast-man) from the Eastern Archipelago.
Izutsumi is rather stand-offish, but is not a distant person; she's fairly self-centered, but is in the process of learning the value of working with others. She is primarily fueled by a determination to find someone to lift her curse. She has terrible table manners and is a picky eater.
~!Izutsumi was born to humans, but the nature of her first curse, the curse placed over her which fused her body with that of an animal's is unknown. In her youth, Izutsumi was paraded as a circus freak. Eventually, Izutsumi was bought by Shuro's father to be raised as a retainer. After being bought, a second curse was placed over Izutsumi by one of the other retainers, which involved a knife-wielding spirit attacking Izutsumi unless the brand of the curse was regularly touched by the person who set the curse on the victim.!~
Izutsumi is a former member of Shuro's party and currently a part of Laios' party. She is a tall-man (beast-man) from the Eastern Archipelago.
Izutsumi is rather stand-offish, but is not a distant person; she's fairly self-centered, but is in the process of learning the value of working with others. She is primarily fueled by a determination to find someone to lift her curse. She has terrible table manners and is a picky eater.
~!Izutsumi was born to humans, but the nature of her first curse, the curse placed over her which fused her body with that of an animal's is unknown. In her youth, Izutsumi was paraded as a circus freak. Eventually, Izutsumi was bought by Shuro's father to be raised as a retainer. After being bought, a second curse was placed over Izutsumi by one of the other retainers, which involved a knife-wielding spirit attacking Izutsumi unless the brand of the curse was regularly touched by the person who set the curse on the victim.!~