Mikage Celestine
Height: 167 cm
Weight: 51 kg
Zaiphon Type: Attack
Talent: Falling asleep in 3 seconds
Favorite thing: Wilkinson’s Ginger Ale (Extra ginger)
Favorite color: Sunset orange
Favorite food: Yakisoba
An energetic student of the imperial military academy and Teito’s best friend. Mikage deeply cares for his family and Teito, and he has made it his goal to protect them in any way he can. His family consists of his father, older brother, younger brother and younger sister, all of whom are stewards of the Oak family. He used to be close friends with Shuri Oak, but they grew apart as they got older.
~!After helping Teito escape the military, he is marked by Ayanami and turned into a one-winged Kor. Ayanami sends Mikage to the church and uses him as a puppet to fight Teito, as well as a hostage to convince Teito to surrender to the military. In the end, he is killed by Ayanami, who slashes his body with Verloren’s scythe. He is later reincarnated into a Fyuulong dragon, which Frau finds and brings to the church to cheer Teito up.!~
Weight: 51 kg
Zaiphon Type: Attack
Talent: Falling asleep in 3 seconds
Favorite thing: Wilkinson’s Ginger Ale (Extra ginger)
Favorite color: Sunset orange
Favorite food: Yakisoba
An energetic student of the imperial military academy and Teito’s best friend. Mikage deeply cares for his family and Teito, and he has made it his goal to protect them in any way he can. His family consists of his father, older brother, younger brother and younger sister, all of whom are stewards of the Oak family. He used to be close friends with Shuri Oak, but they grew apart as they got older.
~!After helping Teito escape the military, he is marked by Ayanami and turned into a one-winged Kor. Ayanami sends Mikage to the church and uses him as a puppet to fight Teito, as well as a hostage to convince Teito to surrender to the military. In the end, he is killed by Ayanami, who slashes his body with Verloren’s scythe. He is later reincarnated into a Fyuulong dragon, which Frau finds and brings to the church to cheer Teito up.!~