Lyserg Diethel
Race: Human / Shaman
A British Shaman and a traditional "dowser", whose parents were killed by [Hao](https://anilist.co/character/172/Hao-Asakura). Lyserg has dramatic interactions with all of the main characters at some point, and though he travels with them for a long time, he fights against [Yoh's](https://anilist.co/character/167/Yoh-Asakura) team more than once during the series.
Lyserg is an intelectualy genius but he is blinded by the prospet of revenge for his family's murder. He has a generally kind heart, although he becomes a bit of an anti-hero.
~!At first, Lyserg teams up with Yoh and his friends, but later joined the _X-Laws_, a group dedicated to destroying Hao. When Lyserg joins them, he is unsure about the ways the _X-Laws_ try to eliminate Hao. Though Lyserg holds a deep hatred for Hao, his kindness and Yoh's own philosophies and personalities keep him from crossing the line.!~
~!In the anime (2001 version), Lyserg discards his first spirit as he gains control of Zeruel, an Archangel provided by [Jeanne](https://anilist.co/character/7137/Iron-Maiden-Jeanne). In the manga, Lyserg never abandons [Morphine](https://anilist.co/character/9147/Morphine), even when he is presented with the Archangel Zeruel.!~
~!His name is a drug reference to lysergic acid diethylamide. The name of his spirit, Morphine, is obviously a drug reference as well and thus was changed to _Chloe_ and _Morphea_ for the English version of both anime and manga. Moreover, his appearance is based on the stereotypical look of Sherlock Holmes, and Lyserg's dream is to be a famous detective in the future. He also loves reading detective and mystery stories.!~
A British Shaman and a traditional "dowser", whose parents were killed by [Hao](https://anilist.co/character/172/Hao-Asakura). Lyserg has dramatic interactions with all of the main characters at some point, and though he travels with them for a long time, he fights against [Yoh's](https://anilist.co/character/167/Yoh-Asakura) team more than once during the series.
Lyserg is an intelectualy genius but he is blinded by the prospet of revenge for his family's murder. He has a generally kind heart, although he becomes a bit of an anti-hero.
~!At first, Lyserg teams up with Yoh and his friends, but later joined the _X-Laws_, a group dedicated to destroying Hao. When Lyserg joins them, he is unsure about the ways the _X-Laws_ try to eliminate Hao. Though Lyserg holds a deep hatred for Hao, his kindness and Yoh's own philosophies and personalities keep him from crossing the line.!~
~!In the anime (2001 version), Lyserg discards his first spirit as he gains control of Zeruel, an Archangel provided by [Jeanne](https://anilist.co/character/7137/Iron-Maiden-Jeanne). In the manga, Lyserg never abandons [Morphine](https://anilist.co/character/9147/Morphine), even when he is presented with the Archangel Zeruel.!~
~!His name is a drug reference to lysergic acid diethylamide. The name of his spirit, Morphine, is obviously a drug reference as well and thus was changed to _Chloe_ and _Morphea_ for the English version of both anime and manga. Moreover, his appearance is based on the stereotypical look of Sherlock Holmes, and Lyserg's dream is to be a famous detective in the future. He also loves reading detective and mystery stories.!~