Ira Blood
Height: 1.72 m (5'7")
Occupation: Video content creator
Species: Vampire - Bat
Nationality: British
Ira is a vampire from a high ranked family. He's part of the main characters and appears at the very beginning in both the manhua and donghua.
_Appearance:_ In his human form he has reddish-brown hair, and red eyes. As he's a vampire, he also has pointy ears and visible fangs, which can be seen when he smiles. Ira's outfits vary through the Donghua and Manhua, but he can most commonly be found wearing graphic t-shirts and sweatpants, or a tracksuit. He's almost always seen with a hat on—in the Manhua, this hat varies from chapter to chapter (though he usually wears a red cap with cat-ears). However, in the Donghua its most commonly a red chullo. In addition, he has a small stubble on his chin in both the Manhua and Donghua, although the shape varies. His bat form is dark grey with red eyes, similar to his human form.
_Personality:_ Ira is a self-proclaimed otaku. In the Donghua, Ira mentions that [Neil](https://anilist.co/character/163152/) was the descision-maker for this, as he mistook the question Ira messaged him with to be about the game instead of something that impacted his actual life. Comparing his life in England to in China, it's obvious that Ira has a much different opinion on how to life than his family: he expresses a distaste towards having to spend hours preparing to simply go outside, having maids fester over his every move, and having to "use a scooter to go to the living room", due to the size of his home. He seems very excited as he tells [Neil](https://anilist.co/character/163152/) that he is glad to be able to wear t-shirts and eat cup noodles every day. Due to his past in England, and his parents' opinions on how to prepare themselves, Ira posesses knowledge of how to do make-up, and does a presentation of this skill in his show, as well as when [Lynn](https://anilist.co/character/163158/) asked he, [Neil](https://anilist.co/character/163152/), and Damao to perform a video for Christmas. Ira is a video game streamer, as is mentioned multiple times throughout the series. He is very skilled in playing video games and enjoys playing them with his roommates, such as he does with [Neil](https://anilist.co/character/163152/) and [Lily](https://anilist.co/character/163157/). However, despite his skill, he has a core fanbase of less than 10k. Ira has insomnia, as expressed by his first meeting with [Nick](https://anilist.co/character/163160/), whom he summoned to find a cure for.
Occupation: Video content creator
Species: Vampire - Bat
Nationality: British
Ira is a vampire from a high ranked family. He's part of the main characters and appears at the very beginning in both the manhua and donghua.
_Appearance:_ In his human form he has reddish-brown hair, and red eyes. As he's a vampire, he also has pointy ears and visible fangs, which can be seen when he smiles. Ira's outfits vary through the Donghua and Manhua, but he can most commonly be found wearing graphic t-shirts and sweatpants, or a tracksuit. He's almost always seen with a hat on—in the Manhua, this hat varies from chapter to chapter (though he usually wears a red cap with cat-ears). However, in the Donghua its most commonly a red chullo. In addition, he has a small stubble on his chin in both the Manhua and Donghua, although the shape varies. His bat form is dark grey with red eyes, similar to his human form.
_Personality:_ Ira is a self-proclaimed otaku. In the Donghua, Ira mentions that [Neil](https://anilist.co/character/163152/) was the descision-maker for this, as he mistook the question Ira messaged him with to be about the game instead of something that impacted his actual life. Comparing his life in England to in China, it's obvious that Ira has a much different opinion on how to life than his family: he expresses a distaste towards having to spend hours preparing to simply go outside, having maids fester over his every move, and having to "use a scooter to go to the living room", due to the size of his home. He seems very excited as he tells [Neil](https://anilist.co/character/163152/) that he is glad to be able to wear t-shirts and eat cup noodles every day. Due to his past in England, and his parents' opinions on how to prepare themselves, Ira posesses knowledge of how to do make-up, and does a presentation of this skill in his show, as well as when [Lynn](https://anilist.co/character/163158/) asked he, [Neil](https://anilist.co/character/163152/), and Damao to perform a video for Christmas. Ira is a video game streamer, as is mentioned multiple times throughout the series. He is very skilled in playing video games and enjoys playing them with his roommates, such as he does with [Neil](https://anilist.co/character/163152/) and [Lily](https://anilist.co/character/163157/). However, despite his skill, he has a core fanbase of less than 10k. Ira has insomnia, as expressed by his first meeting with [Nick](https://anilist.co/character/163160/), whom he summoned to find a cure for.