Tama Minai
Tama Minai is a Mushishi who is committed to protecting the Scribe of the Karibusa family.
Tama's ancestor sealed The Forbidden Mushi into the Karibusa Family. The Mushi has since then been passed on to each member of the family in the form of a birthmark. The members with the birthmark contain the Forbidden Mushi sealed in them and are called Scribes. The current Scribe of the fourth generation is [Tanyuu Karibusa](https://anilist.co/character/13714).
(Source: Mushishi Wiki)
Tama's ancestor sealed The Forbidden Mushi into the Karibusa Family. The Mushi has since then been passed on to each member of the family in the form of a birthmark. The members with the birthmark contain the Forbidden Mushi sealed in them and are called Scribes. The current Scribe of the fourth generation is [Tanyuu Karibusa](https://anilist.co/character/13714).
(Source: Mushishi Wiki)