Zod Exarion
Circle Tier Level: 7 (Sage)
Sage of Wisdom Zod Exarion is the Master of the Tower of Magic and the one and only Seventh-Circle magician in existence. He was known as the greatest mage in the world, the man who had singled-handily revived interest in magic. He also was one of the 100 people who fought against Bhromier Napolitan and one of the six who survived the battle.
Sage of Wisdom Zod Exarion is the Master of the Tower of Magic and the one and only Seventh-Circle magician in existence. He was known as the greatest mage in the world, the man who had singled-handily revived interest in magic. He also was one of the 100 people who fought against Bhromier Napolitan and one of the six who survived the battle.