The title character of the story, Zwei was a perfectly ordinary tourist from Japan, before witnessing an Inferno assassination in America and being kidnapped. He was able to elude his pursuers long enough for them to realize he had a natural survival instinct that was perfect for an assassin. He had his memory erased through a combination of drug and hypnotherapy. The name Zwei is simply a code name to show he is the second experimental assassin created by Scythe Master. ~!Through Claudia, one of the three top executives of Inferno, Zwei is able to learn his true identity as Azuma Reiji.!~ ~!When Reiji and Eren finally set out to find her past and end up in Mongolia in a field of Oxytropis flowers, an unidentified assassin kills Reiji with a silenced gun, and he collapses silently to the ground. Ein then appears to commit suicide by eating a leaf of the poisonous flower. It is hinted in the leadup to his death that Reiji saw his end coming, and accepted it, having considered his final task complete. !~ His name means "two" in German. (Source: Wikipedia)