Naoya Toudou

Naoya Toudou

The silent hero of the first Persona with a pierced ear is a second year student at St. Hermelin High School, he was playing an occult game known as "Persona" with a group friends in an abandoned warehouse. Due to this they were able to start seeing spirits and where chosen by a god like entity named Philemon to wield special powers that would allow them to bring out their inner selves 'Personas' and use them as weapons in preparation for the fight they would soon find themselves thrown into. Their hometown of Mikage-Cho after would be soon overrun by demons with the speculated help of a man named Takahisa Kandori. Together with his friends, Naoya must find out the reason for this demon outbreak and bring the town of Mikage-Cho back to normal while realizing what kind of person he truly is. His initial Persona is Seimen Kongou. His ultimate persona is Amon Ra. Like most of the main characters, he wears a gray St. Hermelin school uniform with a black collar.
