Master Megatron

Master Megatron

A tyrant who believes himself best suited to rule the galaxy and strives to shape it according to his will using the Planet Force and Chip Square. He cares little for his underlings, seeing them as mere means to an end, never hesitating to sacrifice them if he deems them useful in achieving his goals. As a result of absorbing a part of Unicron's power, he possesses a plethora of mysterious magical abilities that go beyond those of normal Transformers.

He has two alternate modes - a race car and a fighter jet. He's also able to combine with Dark Ligerjack, which grants him access to his **Liger Megatron** (ライガーメガトロン) form. Using Force Chip Ignition, he's able to access the Death Claw and Death Machinegun stored on his back.

~!He is eventually defeated and destroyed, but revives after using the power of Planet Gigalonia, adopting the name of Master Galvatron, becoming even more cruel and hellbent on his vision of dominance. He retains the same alternate modes and equipment, however their power is increased even further.!~

In the US version of the show, *Cybertron*, he is renamed to simply "Megatron" and stated to be the same character as the Megatron seen in *Armada* (*Micron Densetsu*) and *Energon* (*Superlink*).


Transformers: Galaxy Force
Transformers: Galaxy Force
Diffusion :Saturday 8 January 2005
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