Wolfram von Bielefeld

Wolfram von Bielefeld

Name: Lord Wolfram von Bielefeld (フォンビ-レフェルト卿ヴォルフラム) Aliases: * Little Lord Brat/Spoiled Prince/Arrogant Poo - (わがままプーwagamama puu in Japanese (プーPuu short for Prince)) - by Günter, Gwendal, Anissina * Bishōnen - (美少年-pretty boy) by Yuri * Sannan Boy ("The Third Son") - by Adalbert * Wolfie - by Cecilie * Lord Von Bielefeld - by Murata and Shinou * Wolf-chan - Miko (Jennifer) Shibuya * Mr. Wolfram - (ヴォルフラムさん - Wolfram-san) by Yuri * Wolf - (ヴォルフ) by Yuri, Cecilie * Honey-chan - by Cecilie (when Wolfram was young in the novels), Yuri (once in the novels) Race: Mazoku but looks around 15-16 Birthday: Spring Hair Color: Blonde Eye Color: Emerald Green Height: 165cm or 5.5 feet Weight: 42 kg Status: Third son of the previous Maoh, engaged to Yuri Clothing: United States Officer's Uniform from during the Mexican American War A young man who finds himself engaged to Yuri after a mistake. He is a 'bishōnen', which means a pretty or beautiful boy. He is very feminine looking, with a beautiful face and shoulder-length and long eyelashes. His appearance is so influential, that several dying people in the hospital have a miraculous recovery after laying eyes on him. Wolfram possesses fire magic, as well as being adept with a sword. He is the half-brother of Conrad and Gwendal. He has extremely high pride and is hot-headed. He is arrogant and short-tempered but can also be quite compassionate at times. He is called "little lord brat." He is the only one of the previous queen's three sons who inherited her emerald green eyes and blonde hair, bearing a striking resemblance to her. It seems he inherited fire magic and selfishness from his fathers side. Wolfram is obsessed with Yuri and insists on following him everywhere as he claims it is his duty to protect his fiancé, though he also seems to want to prevent him from cheating on him. His ancestor, Rufus Bielefield, fought alongside the Original King (the great one). Near the end of the second season, there is a time when Wolfram is possessed by Original King, who in turned was possessed by Soushu. The key he possesses, his heart, is ripped out by Original King in order to open one of the four boxes, 'Hellfire in Frozen Land' ('Hellfire on Frozen Tundra' in Japanese translation). Because of this, Wolfram temporarily dies, but is revived when the Original King returns the keys to their owners. Wolfram is the youngest son of the former Maoh, Cecilie von Spitzweig. He initially dislikes humans, even Conrad's father. Because of his mazoku pride, he does not like to admit that Conrad is his brother, even though he cares for Conrad (Wolfram always referred to Conrad by his last name - Lord Weller; however, after Conrad's return from his supposed betrayal, Wolfram refers to Conrad by his first name). In the graphic novels, it is hinted that this hatred towards humans stems from his late father's prejudice against humans. His liking for humans improves throughout the series, progressing to the point that he adopts the human girl Greta as his daughter, starts acknowledging Yuri's parents as his future "in-laws" and also runs into a raging fire to save a human child. Years ago when he was a child, Wolfram accidentally slapped Elizabeth, Raven's niece, on her left cheek. Elizabeth never forgot this incident, insisting that they swore everlasting love that day, while Wolfram insists he forgot why he slapped her in the first place. Some time after collecting three of the Four Forbidden Boxes, Elizabeth becomes Stoffel's tool to separate Yuri from the three brothers, pronouncing an engagement proposal to Yuri. Elizabeth's real goal is to marry Wolfram Onii-sama, but Wolfram says that his only fiance is Yuri. During the duel which ensues, (as Yuri accidentally picked up a knife and a fork pointing it at Elizabeth; symbolizing a fight to settle a triangle love affair), Yuri turns into the Maoh, protecting Wolfram from being hurt by fire maryoku that Elizabeth summoned. He proclaims the two go on the date and remember their childhood memories. It is eventually learned that Wolfram slapped Elizabeth because he wanted to touch a butterfly that flew past, and Conrad was watching the entire event. Wolfram is an extremely 'pretty' person - Yuri calls him this upon first meeting him (specifically using the term 'bishōnen' in the Japanese version and very often in the light novel). This is also why Yuri slapped Wolfram when he badmouthed Yuri's mother instead of punching him, stating that it's a pity to dirty such a pretty face (from the novels).This image is enhanced by his choice of nightwear - a frilly pink nightgown that contrasts violently with his rather quick temper. When he first becomes engaged to Yuri he is extremely upset, but the idea quickly grows on him. He takes the engagement much more seriously than Yuri does. He follows Yuri practically everywhere so he can keep an eye on him and even sneaks into Yuri's bedroom at night. He gets extremely jealous when Yuri talks to a girl or good-looking guy and often accuses him of being unfaithful which is sometimes used as comic relief, but as a character he is popular between fans and is considered to be the anime's breakout character. Even if he does not like to admit it, the series hints that Wolfram deeply cares about Yuri. He tends to think Yuri can be saved from bad situations because of his cuteness. By the end of the anime, he is making blatant declarations of love. A major weakness is that he gets sea-sick. Yuri also says that Wolfram cannot paint well, even though he insists on painting. For example, he tries to paint Yuri, although it turns out unintentionally impressionistic. During the end of season two and the beginning of season three, Wolfram is chosen by the Ten Noble Families of Shin Makoku (Christ, Voltaire, Grantz, Bielefeld, Karbelnikoff, Wincott, Spitzberg, Gyllenhaal, Rochefort, and Radford) to become the next Maoh, due to the belief that Yuri would not be able to return to Shin Makoku at the time. When Yuri does in fact return, Wolfram's uncle, Waltorana, places pressure on Wolfram to obtain the throne. Because of this, Wolfram dissolves the engagement with Yuri and travels back to his homelands, in hopes that he would not be used to sabotage Yuri. Discovering of Wolfram's predicament, Yuri and his retainers travel to the Bielefeld lands in the hopes of persuading Wolfram to return to Blood Pledge Castle, only to be forced into a formal duel by Wolfram himself. The battle becomes quite intense, as Wolfram gives his all against Yuri and Yuri trying his best to persuade Wolfram to stop the duel. At the climax, Yuri was forced to protect himself by becoming the Maoh and, angered by Wolfram's reckless dueling, prepares to hit Wolfram with a potentially fatal attack. In the process of hitting Wolfram with the attack, Yuri watched as Wolfram prepared himself for what seems to be his last moment and gave his final words to Yuri: "Yuri. Be a good king." Realizing that Wolfram had planned the whole thing from the beginning so Yuri could remain the Maoh, Yuri absorbed the attack onto himself at the last moment, sparring Wolfram of the damage. The Ten Noble Families then changed their decision to keep Yuri as their king and Waltorana steps down from forcing Wolfram onto the throne. After a reconciliation between the two, Wolfram happily decides to annul the disengagement to a comically shocked Yuri and proceeds to return to his normal attitude towards their engagement. During the course of the series, Wolfram has grown exponentially from a spoiled prince to a selfless young man who stands by Yuri with no question. Though, he had no plans of becoming Maoh in the first place, he was willing to protect and serve Shin Makoku when it was resolved that Yuri would not be returning back at the end of the second season, wanting to protect the beautiful job Yuri did as Maoh. (Source: Wikipedia)


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