Yasha Kijou
Height: 162 cm
[Suzuka](https://anilist.co/character/144515)'s mother and an Oni. She is the general manager of the Onigami Group, which mainly runs a tourism business, and the mistress of the Onigami Hot Springs Inn. When she's not serving as a landlady, she has a bubbly, dynamic, and unassuming personality, but when she's serving as a mother, she shows her deep affection. She has been a rival of Mai-Queen's since her school days, and they fight over every little thing. She dotes on [Taichi](https://anilist.co/character/144512) as her future son, and her feelings for him exploded when he became a candidate in the Sacred Milk case. She will spoils him to excess.
[Suzuka](https://anilist.co/character/144515)'s mother and an Oni. She is the general manager of the Onigami Group, which mainly runs a tourism business, and the mistress of the Onigami Hot Springs Inn. When she's not serving as a landlady, she has a bubbly, dynamic, and unassuming personality, but when she's serving as a mother, she shows her deep affection. She has been a rival of Mai-Queen's since her school days, and they fight over every little thing. She dotes on [Taichi](https://anilist.co/character/144512) as her future son, and her feelings for him exploded when he became a candidate in the Sacred Milk case. She will spoils him to excess.