Pete Reston

Pete Reston

A friend of [Oliver]('s and a member of the Sword Roses. Pete is a mage born into a nonmagical family that enters Kimberly after scoring well on their difficult entrance exam. he forms a strong bond with the Sword Roses, who support him in his learning about the magical world and becoming stronger in it.

~!It is later revealed that Pete is reversi. This means that his body can change sex.!~


Nanatsu no Maken ga Shihai Suru
Nanatsu no Maken ga Shihai Suru
Diffusion :Saturday 8 July 2023
Kimberly Mahou Gakkou no Yukai na Nichijou
Kimberly Mahou Gakkou no Yukai na Nichijou
Diffusion :Wednesday 28 June 2023