Leo Millafoden
Leo Millafoden is an underground golfer and Eve's golf coach for much of her childhood. Through Leo, Eve was able to learn how to use "Bullets", high-energy golf swings. Eventually, Leo left Eve on her own.
~!It is revealed that Leo also tutored Rose Aleon, Eve's main underground golf handler, but quit being her mentor when Rose continued to get herself further and further into the mob scene!~
~!It is revealed in Season 2 that Leo was unbeatable, and only Kazuhiko Amawashi was able to defeat him in a match. Inspired by Kazuhiko's skills as a golfer, Leo made it his goal to combine Kazuhiko's and his skills into one golfer to create the greatest golfer. He found his opportunity upon discovering that Kazuhiko had a surviving daughter named "Eve", and sought her out in the hopes she inherited Kazuhiko's skills so that he could instill his techniques into her to achieve his goal!~
~!It is revealed that Leo also tutored Rose Aleon, Eve's main underground golf handler, but quit being her mentor when Rose continued to get herself further and further into the mob scene!~
~!It is revealed in Season 2 that Leo was unbeatable, and only Kazuhiko Amawashi was able to defeat him in a match. Inspired by Kazuhiko's skills as a golfer, Leo made it his goal to combine Kazuhiko's and his skills into one golfer to create the greatest golfer. He found his opportunity upon discovering that Kazuhiko had a surviving daughter named "Eve", and sought her out in the hopes she inherited Kazuhiko's skills so that he could instill his techniques into her to achieve his goal!~