Touka is an Evenkurugan, a clan of warriors who fight for justice. She fights using a katana. Her increased agility and swordsmanship make her a deadly warrior. She has a weakness for cute animals and is a lightweight when it comes to alcohol and hot baths, over-heating and passing out easily if subjected to either. She is very strict when it comes to discipline on the battlefield and martial arts in general.
~!When her master was slain in battle during the confrontation with Hakuowlo, she tried to commit a warrior's suicide to retain her honor as a warrior but Hakuoro stops her from doing so. In return, she pledges fealty to him in order to redeem herself for the injustices committed by her former master, taking the role of Hakuowlo's bodyguard.!~
~!Later on, after the demise of the First Emperor of Tuskur, she took on the role of "mother" alongside the rest of Hakuoro's female compatriots to Kuon, the Divine Heir to Hakuowlo's legacy and his only descendant by blood. Currently, due to certain circumstances, she currently resides in Hakurokaku Inn in the outskirts of Imperial Capital of Yamato as a servant with her fellow compatriot and the proprietor of the inn, Karulau.!~
~!When her master was slain in battle during the confrontation with Hakuowlo, she tried to commit a warrior's suicide to retain her honor as a warrior but Hakuoro stops her from doing so. In return, she pledges fealty to him in order to redeem herself for the injustices committed by her former master, taking the role of Hakuowlo's bodyguard.!~
~!Later on, after the demise of the First Emperor of Tuskur, she took on the role of "mother" alongside the rest of Hakuoro's female compatriots to Kuon, the Divine Heir to Hakuowlo's legacy and his only descendant by blood. Currently, due to certain circumstances, she currently resides in Hakurokaku Inn in the outskirts of Imperial Capital of Yamato as a servant with her fellow compatriot and the proprietor of the inn, Karulau.!~