Cleo Zaubraff

Cleo Zaubraff

Height: 153cm Cleo is a 12-year-old mech pilot who looks more like an older teenager which her friend Lee makes fun of. She's a quick learner, but can be very clumsy and is somewhat of a slow thinker with other things. She states that her positive skills are cooking, laundry, and keeping watch without getting tired. She and Lee graduated from military school after 2 years, when it ordinarily takes 6 years. ~!Lee later commits suicide to prevent being captured under the belief that the enemy are barbarians, but Cleo believed Rygart killed her and initially wanted to kill him. After this, she meets Rygart in battle and shows a surprising amount of skill contrary to how she was before, almost fighting off Rygart. She is defeated shortly after securing Zess's escape and taken prisoner, where she is treated very leniently and shares a room with Sigyn. She initially tries to escape by securing Sigyn's gun and tries to kill Rygart, but fails because the gun actually had no ammunition. She befriends Sigyn and doesn't try to escape afterward.!~


Break Blade
Break Blade
Diffusion :Sunday 6 April 2014
Break Blade 1: Kakusei no Toki
Break Blade 1: Kakusei no Toki
Diffusion :Saturday 29 May 2010
Break Blade 2: Ketsubetsu no Michi
Break Blade 2: Ketsubetsu no Michi
Diffusion :Saturday 26 June 2010
Break Blade 3: Kyoujin no Ato
Break Blade 3: Kyoujin no Ato
Diffusion :Saturday 25 September 2010
Break Blade 4: Sanka no Chi
Break Blade 4: Sanka no Chi
Diffusion :Saturday 30 October 2010
Break Blade 5: Shisen no Hate
Break Blade 5: Shisen no Hate
Diffusion :Saturday 22 January 2011
Break Blade 6: Doukoku no Toride
Break Blade 6: Doukoku no Toride
Diffusion :Saturday 26 March 2011
Break Blade Picture Drama
Break Blade Picture Drama
Diffusion :Friday 23 July 2010