Iharu Furuhashi
Height: 177 cm
Iharu Furuhashi is a young officer of the Third Division of the Defense Force.
~!After the destruction of Tachikawa Base, he was transferred to the Fourth Division.!~
~!Back when Iharu was still in middle school, he was saved from a kaiju by [Mina Ashiro](https://anilist.co/character/180693/Mina-Ashiro). This event would later inspire him to become a Defense Force member.!~
Iharu Furuhashi is a young officer of the Third Division of the Defense Force.
~!After the destruction of Tachikawa Base, he was transferred to the Fourth Division.!~
~!Back when Iharu was still in middle school, he was saved from a kaiju by [Mina Ashiro](https://anilist.co/character/180693/Mina-Ashiro). This event would later inspire him to become a Defense Force member.!~