

Sei is a nineteen-year-old boy and protagonist of Suicide Island (Jisatsutou).

At the age of 19, Sei, a suicidal teenager, cuts his left wrist and administers a medicinal drug overdose to himself. He has an entry in the "suicidal recidivist" list of the government and signs a document upon his expected death in the hospital, after which he is left with no rights and finds himself on an unknown island, a place which is subject to no law. ~!Despite getting another chance to live, Sei tries to commit suicide on the island by getting into position to jump and fall to his death whilst holding the hand of Maria, a girl with the same wish. Neither can do it, and they are left with their lives and romantic feelings towards each other. After spending some time on the island, Sei crafts a bow and arrows in order to hunt. He also uses it to threaten and injure a member of a hostile group lead by Sawada, a tyrannical man striving to be the ruler of the island. While in the mountains, Sei finds a hut with an unknown survivor who admits to committing a crime and thus being sent to the island. He teaches Sei how to cure meat and gives him a puppy in exchange for some food and the promise to keep his hut in the mountains a secret. Furthermore, Sei befriends Ken, a member of Sawada's group, initially sent out to kill Sei. Sei's puppy, named "Ikiru", grows up to be a hunting aid and help Sei and Ken track down injured game animals, such as boars and deer. While curing meat in the mountains, Sei is helped by his group members Tomo and Maria and renegade Ken. When left alone with Maria in the mountains, he names her Liv, thus continuing the line of names with the meaning of "life".!~ Source: Jisatsutou manga chapter 1-3 for the non-spoiler part, other chapters up to chapter 60 for the spoiler.
