Vivio Takamachi
(StrikerS), 10 (ViVid)
Eye color: Green & Brownish red
Hair color: Golden Blond
Handedness: Right
Intelligent Device: Sacred Heart aka Cris
After being found by Caro and Erio during their break, she was taken into Nanoha and Fate's care. Her most visible feature is heterochromia. Quattro has referred to her as the "Vessel of the Saints". Also has Nanoha as her mother and Fate as her step-mother who is really her Godmother.
Eye color: Green & Brownish red
Hair color: Golden Blond
Handedness: Right
Intelligent Device: Sacred Heart aka Cris
After being found by Caro and Erio during their break, she was taken into Nanoha and Fate's care. Her most visible feature is heterochromia. Quattro has referred to her as the "Vessel of the Saints". Also has Nanoha as her mother and Fate as her step-mother who is really her Godmother.
Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha A's: Picture Drama - Iryou Shoujo Medical Shamal Second Cour
Diffusion :Wednesday 5 November 2014
ComedyMahou Shoujo