The only female member of the XILE Tribe. She is always by Hiro’s side and travels with him everywhere, but when danger comes, she and Ogre usually hide and give support from a safe distance. She’s mostly the voice of reason and rationality, in contrast to Hiro’s frequent childishness and recklessness. Although she doesn’t participate in most of the action, she specializes in sage magic and barriers, which come in very handy. She usually expresses shock or disbelief at XILE’s antics. Sora constantly worries about the wellbeing of the other XILE members and treats them like family. Her teammates sometimes call her “Sora-Hime” (“Princess Sora”). She also has acrophobia, but Hiro thinks this is strange since Sora came from a place “waaay up above”. She seems to know the secret behind the rings that give the XILE men their long life spans and powers.