A legendary priest known throughout the land as The Red Priest, Rezo was born blind, which provokes him into finding a cure. ~!He is believed to be Zelgadis' grandfather and great-grandfather, and "mercifully granted Zel power beyond comprehension" (which is how Rezo explains it) by turning him into a chimera. In searching for a cure for his eyes, Rezo learned all sorts of magic, but none of them helped him. He then finally came to the conclusion that the one and only cure for his eye's would be to resurrect the dark lord Ruby Eye Shabranigdo using the legendary Philosopher's Stone. Unknown to the group at the time, he then planned to destroy the dark lord to prevent the destruction of the world, but everything goes wrong when Rezo and the group discover that Shabranigdo is sealed in Rezo's own eyes, which is the reason why his eyes are sealed. Rezo's body is over taken by Shabranigdo, and that ends up killing the great priest.!~