Hans Kleif

Hans Kleif

Keiji's new partner. A German man with a laidback, womanizing personality. Through the course of the story, he comes to trust Keiji greatly, to the point of confiding in him about his worries as an amnesiac.

~!In the final episode (though hinted at as early as episode 8), it is revealed that Hans is an artifically-created boomer, and all his memories of his "life" were artificially implanted in him for the sake of an experiment. Anguished by this realization, Hans makes Keiji promise to kill him if he ever loses the remaining aspects of his humanity. Although Keiji refuses at first, he finally listens to his partner's wish and shoots him dead in the finale.!~


A.D. Police
A.D. Police
Diffusion :Thursday 8 April 1999