Laomoto Khan
**Height**: 193cm *(novel, manga)*, over 10 meters *(anime)*
CEO of the Nekosogi Fund, as well as the leader of the Soukai Syndicate. A ruthless businessman with little to no regard for his underlings, even the elite Soukai Six Gates and Darkninja under his command. He loves nothing more than displays of raw power and terrorizing the weak, often punishing those who displease him in needlessly elaborate ways (such as throwing them into an aquarium of man-eating snow crabs). However, he is also a skilled businessman, often using his ninja coercion to expand his influence during the external presentations and meetings he attends. Despite his interest in life extension and a mad drive to increase his physical strength via collecting Ninja Souls, he refuses to undergo cybernetic implant surgery, considering it an "act of the weak"
He's also an avid follower of the philosopher Miyamoto Masashi, often reading his books on military tactics, as well as collecting various artifacts connected to him, such as the twin swords "Nanban" and "Karoushi".
Despite his distaste for cybernetic surgery and hackers - not considering the act of hacking to be sacrosanct - and not being connected to LAN, he is still able to achieve expert-class typing speed purely thanks to his natural wazamae.
~!He is ultimately defeated by Ninja Slayer by the end of part 1, his heart pierced after falling on a statue of Miyamoto Masashi, the philosopher he once adored.!~
~!He's also known to have some amount of children, with his son, Laomoto Chiba, eventually attempting to rebuild his empire in Part 3, and becoming a mainstay member of the cast in Part 4.!~
CEO of the Nekosogi Fund, as well as the leader of the Soukai Syndicate. A ruthless businessman with little to no regard for his underlings, even the elite Soukai Six Gates and Darkninja under his command. He loves nothing more than displays of raw power and terrorizing the weak, often punishing those who displease him in needlessly elaborate ways (such as throwing them into an aquarium of man-eating snow crabs). However, he is also a skilled businessman, often using his ninja coercion to expand his influence during the external presentations and meetings he attends. Despite his interest in life extension and a mad drive to increase his physical strength via collecting Ninja Souls, he refuses to undergo cybernetic implant surgery, considering it an "act of the weak"
He's also an avid follower of the philosopher Miyamoto Masashi, often reading his books on military tactics, as well as collecting various artifacts connected to him, such as the twin swords "Nanban" and "Karoushi".
Despite his distaste for cybernetic surgery and hackers - not considering the act of hacking to be sacrosanct - and not being connected to LAN, he is still able to achieve expert-class typing speed purely thanks to his natural wazamae.
~!He is ultimately defeated by Ninja Slayer by the end of part 1, his heart pierced after falling on a statue of Miyamoto Masashi, the philosopher he once adored.!~
~!He's also known to have some amount of children, with his son, Laomoto Chiba, eventually attempting to rebuild his empire in Part 3, and becoming a mainstay member of the cast in Part 4.!~