Ikaruga Suginami
The 35th Platoon's technological expert and Takeru's oldest friend. ~!She was formerly affiliated with the Alchemists as she is a product of the Suginami Design Children Project.!~
Ikaruga is an extremely laid-back individual with habits that resemble a shut in. She speaks with a knowledgeable yet relaxed tone but she has a tough time, rather, she rarely cares to add any honorifics or speak in a tone that would be considered respectful. She states that she doesn't care for normal people and only took interest in the ones who "stick out". Ikaruga mostly sticks to the sidelines during her teammate's banters to pursue her own work and only chimes in when there was a fight that needed to be broken up, a sexual joke or moment to capitalize on, or when her expertise was needed.
She notably has the most "maternal" instincts on the team and looks out for the others as much as Takeru does.
(Source: AntiMagic Academy Wiki)
Ikaruga is an extremely laid-back individual with habits that resemble a shut in. She speaks with a knowledgeable yet relaxed tone but she has a tough time, rather, she rarely cares to add any honorifics or speak in a tone that would be considered respectful. She states that she doesn't care for normal people and only took interest in the ones who "stick out". Ikaruga mostly sticks to the sidelines during her teammate's banters to pursue her own work and only chimes in when there was a fight that needed to be broken up, a sexual joke or moment to capitalize on, or when her expertise was needed.
She notably has the most "maternal" instincts on the team and looks out for the others as much as Takeru does.
(Source: AntiMagic Academy Wiki)