Roujin Z
The Z Project was intended to give the new generation a break from caring for the old. The original intention was to create a machine to care for them without any intervention. At first glance, it looked like an excellent plan, and many of the younger generation approved of its application. But when old Mr. Takazawa became the test subject for the Z-001 machine, Haruko questioned both the tactics of the hospital and the moral implications of the machine. This is just the beginning, as Haruko has not just the hospital, but the odds against her. But then, she discovers an odd quirk about the machine: it uses a biochip, and it eventually acquires a mind of its own!
(Source: AnimeNfo)
Start date14 September 1991
End date14 September 1991
SeasonSUMMER 1991
Main ProducerTV Asahi
RomajiRoujin Z
English titleRoujin Z