Nekomonogatari: Shiro
Nekomonogatari: Shiro

Nekomonogatari: Shiro

A tale of heroine Tsubasa Hanekawa from her own perspective, in her own voice—if that can hold true for a damaged soul who, depending on who you’re asking, suffers from a split personality or a supernatural aberration. The bone-chilling brokenness of her household, where father and mother and daughter keep three separate sets of cookware in the same kitchen and only ever prepare their own meals, and the profound darkness nurtured in the genius schoolgirl’s heart, come to life, if that is the word, through her self-vivisection.
(Source: Kodansha USA)

Start date27 October 2010
End date27 October 2010
RomajiNekomonogatari: Shiro
English titleNekomonogatari: Cat Tale (White)